Monday, February 21, 2011

Gorgonzola Cheese Shells

A friend of mine printed out this recipe for a weekend lunch at her family's cottage. This is a very rich cheesy dish. We served it with sausages. The directions seemed a bit odd to me, so I fiddled with them a little at the beginning (the original has no butter). We doubled the recipe and I ended up having a bit of difficulty getting the sauce to thicken (I added more flour). I think with a bit more patience, it might not have needed the flour, but if you have the same issues, go ahead and add it.

One year ago: Peanut Butter and Nutella Brownies (a dessert I still have yet to eat!)

Gorgonzola Cheese Shells (slightly adapted from ElizabethBinary on

500 mL Heavy Cream
1c Gorgonzola
1/2c Parmsesan
2 tbsp Flour
2 tbsp butter
Cooked Pasta Shells
5 stems Chives (optional), chopped
Breadcrumbs or Matzo Meal (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 350F.
2. In a saucepan, melt butter. Add flour and mix until a golden brown.
3. Slowly add heavy cream, stirring. Stir until sauce thickens ... be patient.
4. Add cheeses a little at a time, stirring until the cheese melts and is combined into the sauce.
5. Add chopped chives to sauce, taste, and add seasonings if needed.
6. Place cooked pasta shells in a baking dish. Pour sauce over top.
4. Cover in thin layer of breadcrumbs or matzo.
5. Bake for 10 minutes uncovered. For a golden brown, broil the top at the very end.

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